The CKN was at first an initiative founded in Paris, France, in 1992, and guided by M. Im Saroeun, former Director of Education in Cambodia.
Gathering respected members of the Cambodian diaspora in France, the goal was to create a formation centre here, in the Kingdom of Cambodia. The means were simple at first, an organisation abroad helping to provide financial and educational support to the centre. This knowledge transfer was at first created to initiate a useful dynamic for the Cambodian youth of the countryside.
At first, partners were non-profit organisation created by active members of the Cambodian diaspora :
Cefodia/CKN (Châtillon, FRANCE)
FPCA (Villejuif, FRANCE)
STADHA (Champs sur Marne, FRANCE)
Creation of a CKN office in Montpellier / France where M. Im Saroeun worked as a lecturer in a national University.
Development of several exchanges with students from Phnom Penh between 1996 and 1998 : accomodate young students for two semesters of internship, and guide them through our educational program, within our expanding network of devoted persons between Paris and Montpellier.
1998, three of these interns, when returning to Phnom Penh, decided to launch a maintenance workshop coupled with a technical formation centre in TV/Video in Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA. Muon Phat, Keo Dara and Chheang Sar, started to make earnings on their own, as they were paid through their maintenance services and the classes they dispensed to the new students coming toward them. It was the beginning of the success, as we observed how young students became succesful entrepreneurs, after only a little help and guidance, but of course a lot of motivation.
2003 : The centre grew, and our goals too. Expansion in the next building, and in 2004, the formation to a 2-year degree in Industrial Electrical, Automation and Electronics maintenance. Creation of new partnerships with industrial groups (EDF, Schneider Electronic, Total, ...) and international organisations (UNESCO, OIF, ONUDI, ...).
2007: in need of a bigger space, opening of a center in Kandall Province, to store, use, and teach all the new equipments and knowledge gathered with partners.
To complete training courses of Electricity,Electronics and Automation, creation of new courses on Solar Energy, MBED microcontrollers