Rural Energy

2011 - final REE training : 
Given our success in the first REE program, the EAC and World Bank decided this time to put us in charge of all the REE training over Cambodia. We welcomed more than 120 people in our center in Kantout, and put up the same accommodations as last time in Skoun and Banteay Neang, providing this time two different courses, basics and advanced. This entreprise was a complete success as we finally trained a total of 436 electricians over 6 months.
You can read the full report of the REEs training here, or consult a short brochure here.


2009 - start of gasifier training with ETC (until 2012): 
The ETC Foundation (Netherlands) was one of our partners for many years. We began working together by training CKN's teachers, on technical gasifier building and conception. In 2010, we partnered on a itinerant program to improve the management of battery charging stations in 3 different villages. In addition, we continued to work on gasifiers. Our technology exchange program continued up to 2012 before ETC Organization stopped activity in 2013.


2008 - first REE (Rural Electricity Entrepreneurs) training : 
CKN developed a program with EAC and the World Bank, in order to training the electricians of the countrysides of Cambodia.
Starting in January 2008, in Banteay Neang, CKN organized practical trainings over 3 months, including meal and dormitory. Graduation ceremony was held in march 2008.
Moving after to Skoun, from March to May, CKN, overall, we trained more than 130 people, coming from distant provinces and villages, in this period of time. This program covered the north half of Cambodian provinces.


2006 - Second CKNE :
As this entreprise was thriving, it soon became obvious to make more of this idea. In 2007, a second CKNE was born. This time, in Dambae Town, capital of Dambae District. This was a higher achievement in term of size and impact. The second CKNE provides electricity for more than 1500 families today. Later on, the CKNE of Dambae was extended to an electrical goods shop. It improved the sustainability of this entreprise as it help them increase the monthly income.


2005 - First CKNE :
In order to answer the growing demand on electricity accessibility in Cambodia, CKN launched a cooperative program in Banteay Daek in 2005 in partnership with the OIF. The EAC (Electricity Authority Cambodia) granted the CKN trainers to have their own electricity distribution licence. They started the first CKN Entreprise (CKNE), named in honor to their former school, and they continue to work with us frequently. As of today, they provide electricity for more than 600 housings.
This was the fulfilment of the CKN objective, to initiate the business competences of those who attended our teaching.